Monday, December 21, 2009


I have been neglecting you. I've been on here every day, but I'm dishearted and I just go ehh. I'll just write something tomorrow. Well, tommorrow has come and gone, and I still feel disheartend but alas the show must go on. I have figured out that I will be alone forever. There is no one out there for me and I have completely given up on love and marriage. There I said it. Now that you know we can move on with our lives. With that said I have been avoiding all of my married friends, because they all seem so happy. Instead, I've been opting to spend more time with my single friends because.....well frankly misery loves company. But, I figure it's time to come out of my funk. Even if I don't think I will ever be re-married because I'm damaged goods, it's too much work being depressed. lol. So instead I figure if I have to work at something I might as well work at being a better person. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm gonna pull my self up by the boot straps, and get my self together. After Christmas I'm going to go on a fast during which I'm not going to watch any tv and spend no more than an hour on the computer after work. I'm also going to read the quran everyday and pray every single prayer on time and not listen to any music. Well I'll post an update later, about what was going on when I wasn't posting. I just wanted to get that out of my system.

1 comment:

Janny. said...

Awww. Why're you going to do this to me. Now I'm depressed. Focus on everything good in your life, and things will work themselves out. Easier said than done, though. Good luck with the fast :)