Thursday, January 7, 2010

I am disheartned

My morale is low. I'm feeling down and out. I feel lonely. I really wish that I had someone {even a friend to just wrap their arms around me and tell me that it's all going to be okay. That's all I want is that asking to much? I am currently going through a faith slump and trying my hardest not to fall out of Islam. Please make dua{Pray} for me that I pull my self out of this hole that I have crawled in Insha Allah{God willing}. I have a question. When you first converted did it take a while before you felt any connection in prayer? When I pray it kind of feels like movements. Maybe it's cause I'm just learning and I don't really know what I'm saying so it just kind of feels like I'm giving lip service. And it's really hard to concentrate on just my prayer. A billion things flutter through my mind as soon as I make my intention and it's hard to push them out of the way and just focus. Any advice would be lovely. But even if you don't comment please remember me in your prayers.

P.S. Not that you wanted to know this but I think my period is starting soon and I may just be insanely imbalanced for the moment on top of everything else.

1 comment:

Amira said...

Asalamu Alaikum,
I know what you mean when you say it's really hard to concentrate on just my prayer. Things that you haven't thought about in ages will come to mind and it seems like everything you have forgotten also comes to mind. Some of the sahabahs also use to have an issue where in salah they could not concentrate due to the whispering of shaitan. Just remember that it is the pastime of Shaytān to attempt distracting the obedient servants of Allah from worshiping and remembering him.
Take care.