Sunday, December 27, 2009
Hello all,
Well today was the first day of my fast and I didn't do so well. I had 1 peice of candy without thinking and it invalided the whole day of fasting :( But inshallah I'll make it up. I'm actually quite happy about fasting, but it's only the first day so we'll see what I did how ever make it through one full day of no tv, and inshallah it will remain off untill next month, or I get my period which ever happens sooner. lol. Things I did while I was away hummmmmm......well I've been off since Wensday, and I'm preparing for work tom now..I mean, I was before I got sidetracked. ANYWAYS I made dinner and breakfast for some friends this weekend. And it felt awsome to be able to cook for someone{it's usually just me and Ry so I don't bother, as a matter of fact I usually forget to eat my self} I made what I have to say was THE most awsome brakefast I've ever made in my life, when every one went away full and unable to finish their plates it made me unbelieveably happy.{I come from a family where not being able to finish is compliments to the chef} I also made a necklace over to my friend's place who makes necklaces for a living, and I love it.
What is it with Marines? It seems like every single one of them cheats on their wife. And this has NOTHING to do with my STBEH{soon to be ex husband}. I was at work the other day and this male that I work with was practicly bragging about all the cheating that he had/was going to do on his wife who mind you has a 2 month old son. What's up with that? He was talking about a school he was going to where excuse me but quote "Some bitch is gonna suck my dick:" EXCUSE ME??? Really? You're wife is alone in another state and THIS is what you're thinking about? Now I KNOW that ALL Marines aren't like this BUT a majority are. How do I know this? Am I being unfair? NO, I know this because I work with them, I go to ranges with them, I work out with them, and I used to hang out with them. Till I converted seriously I used to be just one of the boys and I used to listen to what they said all the time. This is how I KNOW some of them are not like that. They value being with just one girl and not sleeping around. But this is also how I KNOW that a lot of them are. I hate being around these people just like I hate watching TV and seeing ppl cheating it breaks my heart. It's like it's cool or something. It's cool to cheat and break ppls hearts just so they can be a trophy on you're wall you laugh and tell you're boys/girls about. That's right ladies to it too. This is part of the reason I say I don't believe in love any more. Ya'll hold on I'm about to get deep. I believe in love, I want to love, I want to be loved, and I want a happy family just as much or more than anyone else. But I'm afraid that that will never happen because of situations like these and the society that we live in were it's okay, and even expected to cheat. I honestly don't think I can take another heart break, I can't go crazy because I need to be here to raise my son. So for the time being I'm gonna remain single, at least for the rest of the up coming year. Now this is not to say that I'm going to shoot down any potentials, I'm not. But, any man who I really deserve to be with will understand that I need time to get my self together, time to recollect and present to the world the me that I need to me. I mean I understand that getting married is half the deen, but I feel like I need to work on the other half first. Ththththththat's all folks!!!
Well today was the first day of my fast and I didn't do so well. I had 1 peice of candy without thinking and it invalided the whole day of fasting :( But inshallah I'll make it up. I'm actually quite happy about fasting, but it's only the first day so we'll see what I did how ever make it through one full day of no tv, and inshallah it will remain off untill next month, or I get my period which ever happens sooner. lol. Things I did while I was away hummmmmm......well I've been off since Wensday, and I'm preparing for work tom now..I mean, I was before I got sidetracked. ANYWAYS I made dinner and breakfast for some friends this weekend. And it felt awsome to be able to cook for someone{it's usually just me and Ry so I don't bother, as a matter of fact I usually forget to eat my self} I made what I have to say was THE most awsome brakefast I've ever made in my life, when every one went away full and unable to finish their plates it made me unbelieveably happy.{I come from a family where not being able to finish is compliments to the chef} I also made a necklace over to my friend's place who makes necklaces for a living, and I love it.
What is it with Marines? It seems like every single one of them cheats on their wife. And this has NOTHING to do with my STBEH{soon to be ex husband}. I was at work the other day and this male that I work with was practicly bragging about all the cheating that he had/was going to do on his wife who mind you has a 2 month old son. What's up with that? He was talking about a school he was going to where excuse me but quote "Some bitch is gonna suck my dick:" EXCUSE ME??? Really? You're wife is alone in another state and THIS is what you're thinking about? Now I KNOW that ALL Marines aren't like this BUT a majority are. How do I know this? Am I being unfair? NO, I know this because I work with them, I go to ranges with them, I work out with them, and I used to hang out with them. Till I converted seriously I used to be just one of the boys and I used to listen to what they said all the time. This is how I KNOW some of them are not like that. They value being with just one girl and not sleeping around. But this is also how I KNOW that a lot of them are. I hate being around these people just like I hate watching TV and seeing ppl cheating it breaks my heart. It's like it's cool or something. It's cool to cheat and break ppls hearts just so they can be a trophy on you're wall you laugh and tell you're boys/girls about. That's right ladies to it too. This is part of the reason I say I don't believe in love any more. Ya'll hold on I'm about to get deep. I believe in love, I want to love, I want to be loved, and I want a happy family just as much or more than anyone else. But I'm afraid that that will never happen because of situations like these and the society that we live in were it's okay, and even expected to cheat. I honestly don't think I can take another heart break, I can't go crazy because I need to be here to raise my son. So for the time being I'm gonna remain single, at least for the rest of the up coming year. Now this is not to say that I'm going to shoot down any potentials, I'm not. But, any man who I really deserve to be with will understand that I need time to get my self together, time to recollect and present to the world the me that I need to me. I mean I understand that getting married is half the deen, but I feel like I need to work on the other half first. Ththththththat's all folks!!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
I have been neglecting you. I've been on here every day, but I'm dishearted and I just go ehh. I'll just write something tomorrow. Well, tommorrow has come and gone, and I still feel disheartend but alas the show must go on. I have figured out that I will be alone forever. There is no one out there for me and I have completely given up on love and marriage. There I said it. Now that you know we can move on with our lives. With that said I have been avoiding all of my married friends, because they all seem so happy. Instead, I've been opting to spend more time with my single friends because.....well frankly misery loves company. But, I figure it's time to come out of my funk. Even if I don't think I will ever be re-married because I'm damaged goods, it's too much work being depressed. lol. So instead I figure if I have to work at something I might as well work at being a better person. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm gonna pull my self up by the boot straps, and get my self together. After Christmas I'm going to go on a fast during which I'm not going to watch any tv and spend no more than an hour on the computer after work. I'm also going to read the quran everyday and pray every single prayer on time and not listen to any music. Well I'll post an update later, about what was going on when I wasn't posting. I just wanted to get that out of my system.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Alarm Game
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Does anyone else play the alarm game in the morning? I do. I purposely set my alarm
3O mins early and always in up actually getting up 3O mins late. If you're too lazy to do the math, that's an entire hour. An hour of turning off and resetting the alarm just so I can sleep for "5 more minutes." I do this EVERY morning that I have to get up and go to work. Any one else do this? Or am I just super lazy?
I went to the gym today and busted my face in front of every one running stairs. I knew I was in trouble the sec the instructor told us what we were doing that day. I thought to my self "This is going to end badly" and sure enough it did. Now I have a knot on my head and a gash on my leg, not to mention my very badly brusied ego.
Last thought. Why is it that when ever I go to a suicide prevention class, it makes me want to commit suicide.{jk} They remind you of every thing wrong in your life basicly. "Your life sucks, and by the way don't kill your self." I'm just sayin. If it were me I would at least try and make the class more up lifting and foucus on more positive things, if you know, I was actually trying to PREVENT suicide.
Monday, December 14, 2009
No more Spongebob!

I was watching Sponge Bob like I do every morning before I head out to work, and it was then that I decided the sponge must go. They were running around saying "All hail the magic conch". Now, this is the thing. I have no issuse with Spongebob; HOWEVER my son is learning to speak and 1. I don't want him saying all hail anything except God and 2. This sentence will most likely be mispronounced and will sound more to the tune of "All hail the magic..." Well you know. And as we all know kids have a way of saying the most inappropriate things at EXACTLY the wrong time. It would be just my luck if we were at the Masjid, and he started saying this. In a room full of women no less. I would just die. So so long Mr. Squarepants it's been real, But I refuse to have my son's first words be anything to that tune.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Random thoughts before bed
I had a really good post. My computer ate it. This is my attempt to remember what I wrote. I can be quite dittzy some times. I drove ALL the way to Wal-Mart, shopped, and got in line and it was only then that I realized that I had forgotten my card. I knew this was to good to be true the moment I pulled in and got a great spot in the front row. And sure enough it was. SO I had to drive ALL the way back to my house and all the way back to Wally World. Ironicly though the song that was playing said EXACTLY what I thought about it as soon as my radio came on. "I'm infected by the sound" and "Stop this beat is killing me" I changed the station looking for something more soulful, but every song just seemed empty so I just zoned out into think mode. I realized I am somewhat of a competetive driver. This probably contributed to the excessive speeding ticket that I have. Anywho, I get back to WW hoping beyond all reason that the sales lady I asked to hold my bags had actually held my bags so I wouldn't have to reshop. She didn't, I did. And wouldn't you know it they had ran out of the wax that I had the first time. GRRR.
I have decided that Dwane has struck OUT with me for the last and final time and I will proceed to purge my self of him AGAIN .
I have ran across a letter that I wrote to my soon to be Ex-Husband. Personally I think this was to good for him and I should have left his sorry patoose long ago, but I could just be being and angry Black women. This letter was written BEFORE he sent naked pictures to his "best friend" because his slightly hormonal wife who had given birth to HIS child a month ago said something to make him mad.{He had been asking for pics of her in bikini before hand and telling her every little thing I did to make him upset.[she seriously thought I was a bitch. I know cause I talked to her after I found all this] and telling her he didn't care that he was married} BEFORE I found out he was Net sexing random girls WHILE I was preggo, and BEFORE I found out he was trying to get with some Sgt while I was preggo. STILL I tried to forgive him for the sake of OUR child { the one who's birth he wasn't here for, so my mom had to stay here and take care of me for 3 weeks, while he was out drinking and clubbing in Houston} among other things. So screw you guys that think I'm just getting divorced for some trend, or I'm too lazy to put in the work, or that I'm doing it to have sex with other guys. I'm doing it quite bluntly because I'm sick of his shit. And lately I've been so much happier without him. I'm getting back to the me that I used to be. And I like it. Anyways here it is for your viewing pleasure. And since the letter is quite lenghty I will end with it. Nighty night ya'll.
"B, I've been thinking a lot about the situation and I'm sorry that you feel the way you do about it. What I'm trying to get you to see is that what you said to her. The thing that is upsetting me is that you did something that you promised me you would not do. Had you told me that you had wrote her just to say hi and then I saw them then it wouldn't have been a big deal at all. I would've still had been uncomfortable with you talking to her but I wouldn't have been hurt by it. The fact that you didn't tell me about it and that when I asked you about it you said that you didn't feel the need to explain what you did and why you did it, are the things that are eating me up inside. What you don't understand is that you DO have to explain things like this to me. Even if you feel that it needs no explanation. We are equals in this marriage and if you do something that you promise me you would not do, then I deserve an explanation. I feel like you were wrong to talk to her despite what was said, especially since this is my third time asking you not too and your third time promising me that you wouldn't. A promise is a promise no matter how small you think that it is. When you break these promises to me, I start to feel that you do not respect me and you're going to do what ever you're going to do regardless of my feelings about the situation. The thing is, is that you cannot ask the same of me if you do not plan to live up to it your self. If you really had a valid reason for asking me not to talk to P then as hard as it would be, I wouldn't talk to her. But, maybe you can explain to me why she is so important that you would continue to go behind my back and seek her out to talk to her. And you need to know that I did trust you and because of that trust I had started to be less jealous of innocent flirting between you and you're friends because I know it means nothing, and it obviously was not hidden from me in anyway, and they are not people with whom you promised me that you would have no contact with. You have to understand that you are not your self you are we now, and you cannot do things just because you want to do them anymore or you place the we aspect of your life in jeopardy. When you married me we became one soul and both gave up all rights to privacy that we had before (or at least I did.) I have no expected privacy from you, and you can look into anything of mine without asking me first, and I thought that I could expect the same thing of you. I always try to give you space to be you, but I don't feel like there should be any kind of privacy within a marriage, plenty of space to be your own person yes, but privacy no. I don't do anything that I wouldn't tell you about anyway. And I'm sorry if you feel that I'm trying to control you because I never meant for it to seem like that. But when you do things like that you do need to check and see if it's okay first just like I always try and do with you, and if I forget to tell you before I do it then I always try and tell you after. Even if it doesn't seem like a big deal, I tell you so you won't have to find out a different way. We've been through that before and I would like not to ever have to go through that again. But like I said before, you are not you and I'm not we. When I said I do I gave my self, my life and, my love to you so that we could control them together and I had thought the same of you. But it seems like while I gave you this power over my life you had no intentions of giving me the same over yours. Maybe when I married you I didn't make it clear that a merging of two souls in to one is what I expected and not a joining of two individual lives, to keep being led the way either one of us pleased to live them. I'm sorry that I didn't make my self clear then, but let me make myself clear now. I expect to share in on your joy and your sorrow, your happiness and grief, your smiles and tears, the good and the bad, and through anything that causes you pain. Your love is my love, Your hate is my hate, your joy is my joy, your pain is my pain, when you smile I smile and when you cry I cry. And I expect no less for you. I expect to be loved and honored, to be your number one priority, and to have my wellbeing placed above your own. And I expect for you to expect no less from me. In my mind there was to be no such thing as not telling me how you're feeling or doing, you are an extension of me and how can I not be concerned for my own well being? If it's bothering you it's bothering me, even with out my knowing about it. I love you Bert, I love you know and I will love you always. Thank you for giving me this time to think because I really did need it. When I calmed down, I see that I still want to be with you and I still want you in my life, just like I always knew I did, I can't see myself without you in my life, because you are my everything and I don't know what I would do without you. But if you can't understand, what I said then I don't know how to work things out and make them better, because this is what I expect in a marriage this is what I had in mind when I said I do. So I want to give you the choice of what we'll do and before I do I want to tell you that I'll always love you no matter what it is that you choose to do. I also want to say that I'm sorry that you feel like it's your fault when ever we get into an argument, because I admit that I've had more than my fair share in starting them, and for that I apologize I was wrong. But this is the choice I give you and what ever you decide I won't make a big deal about because by not making my self clear before we got married, I feel like I deceived you and I want a chance to make it up to you now, so we can get rid of all the confusion. If you feel like you can try and do the things I asked of you then I want for you to be with me, stay with me, let me love you in the only way that I know how, let me be there for you and let me be there for you. But if you stay you will respect me, you will honor, me you will make me your priority, and you will put my wellbeing above you own. And you will expect no less from me. You won't have any privacy, but I will give you as much space and trust as I can to be your own person, and you will not betray my trust. And you will do the same for me. We will control OUR lives together, both yours and mine, which means Sometimes you will do things you don't like and sometimes I will, and if either of us ever come to a point where we absolutely feel strongly about something we will compromise. You will be able to look into anything of mine as you please, because what's mine is your's, and I will be able to look into anything of yours as I please because what's yours is mine. And there is nothing that we cannot share. But if you feel that I am asking too much of you I offer you the choice to be free of this. I offer you the choice to be free of me. You will have all the privacy and control over your life as you like, and I will not interfere with the way that you live your life, because it will be yours to live. And with what ever you choose know that R is your child too and you can see her and be with her as much as you wish because I would never keep her from you, just because of your answer. You are a good father and I have no fear that you would do anything other than give her not only what she needs, but the best of everything. But you have time to think it over, don't give me your answer till you're sure that's what you want, because once you decide I expect you to live with that choice. "
I have decided that Dwane has struck OUT with me for the last and final time and I will proceed to purge my self of him AGAIN .
I have ran across a letter that I wrote to my soon to be Ex-Husband. Personally I think this was to good for him and I should have left his sorry patoose long ago, but I could just be being and angry Black women. This letter was written BEFORE he sent naked pictures to his "best friend" because his slightly hormonal wife who had given birth to HIS child a month ago said something to make him mad.{He had been asking for pics of her in bikini before hand and telling her every little thing I did to make him upset.[she seriously thought I was a bitch. I know cause I talked to her after I found all this] and telling her he didn't care that he was married} BEFORE I found out he was Net sexing random girls WHILE I was preggo, and BEFORE I found out he was trying to get with some Sgt while I was preggo. STILL I tried to forgive him for the sake of OUR child { the one who's birth he wasn't here for, so my mom had to stay here and take care of me for 3 weeks, while he was out drinking and clubbing in Houston} among other things. So screw you guys that think I'm just getting divorced for some trend, or I'm too lazy to put in the work, or that I'm doing it to have sex with other guys. I'm doing it quite bluntly because I'm sick of his shit. And lately I've been so much happier without him. I'm getting back to the me that I used to be. And I like it. Anyways here it is for your viewing pleasure. And since the letter is quite lenghty I will end with it. Nighty night ya'll.
"B, I've been thinking a lot about the situation and I'm sorry that you feel the way you do about it. What I'm trying to get you to see is that what you said to her. The thing that is upsetting me is that you did something that you promised me you would not do. Had you told me that you had wrote her just to say hi and then I saw them then it wouldn't have been a big deal at all. I would've still had been uncomfortable with you talking to her but I wouldn't have been hurt by it. The fact that you didn't tell me about it and that when I asked you about it you said that you didn't feel the need to explain what you did and why you did it, are the things that are eating me up inside. What you don't understand is that you DO have to explain things like this to me. Even if you feel that it needs no explanation. We are equals in this marriage and if you do something that you promise me you would not do, then I deserve an explanation. I feel like you were wrong to talk to her despite what was said, especially since this is my third time asking you not too and your third time promising me that you wouldn't. A promise is a promise no matter how small you think that it is. When you break these promises to me, I start to feel that you do not respect me and you're going to do what ever you're going to do regardless of my feelings about the situation. The thing is, is that you cannot ask the same of me if you do not plan to live up to it your self. If you really had a valid reason for asking me not to talk to P then as hard as it would be, I wouldn't talk to her. But, maybe you can explain to me why she is so important that you would continue to go behind my back and seek her out to talk to her. And you need to know that I did trust you and because of that trust I had started to be less jealous of innocent flirting between you and you're friends because I know it means nothing, and it obviously was not hidden from me in anyway, and they are not people with whom you promised me that you would have no contact with. You have to understand that you are not your self you are we now, and you cannot do things just because you want to do them anymore or you place the we aspect of your life in jeopardy. When you married me we became one soul and both gave up all rights to privacy that we had before (or at least I did.) I have no expected privacy from you, and you can look into anything of mine without asking me first, and I thought that I could expect the same thing of you. I always try to give you space to be you, but I don't feel like there should be any kind of privacy within a marriage, plenty of space to be your own person yes, but privacy no. I don't do anything that I wouldn't tell you about anyway. And I'm sorry if you feel that I'm trying to control you because I never meant for it to seem like that. But when you do things like that you do need to check and see if it's okay first just like I always try and do with you, and if I forget to tell you before I do it then I always try and tell you after. Even if it doesn't seem like a big deal, I tell you so you won't have to find out a different way. We've been through that before and I would like not to ever have to go through that again. But like I said before, you are not you and I'm not we. When I said I do I gave my self, my life and, my love to you so that we could control them together and I had thought the same of you. But it seems like while I gave you this power over my life you had no intentions of giving me the same over yours. Maybe when I married you I didn't make it clear that a merging of two souls in to one is what I expected and not a joining of two individual lives, to keep being led the way either one of us pleased to live them. I'm sorry that I didn't make my self clear then, but let me make myself clear now. I expect to share in on your joy and your sorrow, your happiness and grief, your smiles and tears, the good and the bad, and through anything that causes you pain. Your love is my love, Your hate is my hate, your joy is my joy, your pain is my pain, when you smile I smile and when you cry I cry. And I expect no less for you. I expect to be loved and honored, to be your number one priority, and to have my wellbeing placed above your own. And I expect for you to expect no less from me. In my mind there was to be no such thing as not telling me how you're feeling or doing, you are an extension of me and how can I not be concerned for my own well being? If it's bothering you it's bothering me, even with out my knowing about it. I love you Bert, I love you know and I will love you always. Thank you for giving me this time to think because I really did need it. When I calmed down, I see that I still want to be with you and I still want you in my life, just like I always knew I did, I can't see myself without you in my life, because you are my everything and I don't know what I would do without you. But if you can't understand, what I said then I don't know how to work things out and make them better, because this is what I expect in a marriage this is what I had in mind when I said I do. So I want to give you the choice of what we'll do and before I do I want to tell you that I'll always love you no matter what it is that you choose to do. I also want to say that I'm sorry that you feel like it's your fault when ever we get into an argument, because I admit that I've had more than my fair share in starting them, and for that I apologize I was wrong. But this is the choice I give you and what ever you decide I won't make a big deal about because by not making my self clear before we got married, I feel like I deceived you and I want a chance to make it up to you now, so we can get rid of all the confusion. If you feel like you can try and do the things I asked of you then I want for you to be with me, stay with me, let me love you in the only way that I know how, let me be there for you and let me be there for you. But if you stay you will respect me, you will honor, me you will make me your priority, and you will put my wellbeing above you own. And you will expect no less from me. You won't have any privacy, but I will give you as much space and trust as I can to be your own person, and you will not betray my trust. And you will do the same for me. We will control OUR lives together, both yours and mine, which means Sometimes you will do things you don't like and sometimes I will, and if either of us ever come to a point where we absolutely feel strongly about something we will compromise. You will be able to look into anything of mine as you please, because what's mine is your's, and I will be able to look into anything of yours as I please because what's yours is mine. And there is nothing that we cannot share. But if you feel that I am asking too much of you I offer you the choice to be free of this. I offer you the choice to be free of me. You will have all the privacy and control over your life as you like, and I will not interfere with the way that you live your life, because it will be yours to live. And with what ever you choose know that R is your child too and you can see her and be with her as much as you wish because I would never keep her from you, just because of your answer. You are a good father and I have no fear that you would do anything other than give her not only what she needs, but the best of everything. But you have time to think it over, don't give me your answer till you're sure that's what you want, because once you decide I expect you to live with that choice. "
Yeah I remember him..
So I'm watching Law and Order, and it never ceases to amaze me how the witnesses always have perfect recall. Like when they're trying to get the where abouts for some one and they go to the bar that he was suposedly in and they ask the bartender and they always give an answer to the likes of "You mean that average looking white guy that was here 5 months ago? Yeah I remember him." After which they proceed to list everyone said guy talked to and how interested/uninterested said person was and a list of features that would make even a skech artist go "Really, man it's okay. I don't really need all that." I mean seriously? You remember 1 person here in a crowded bar talking to an anon chick 5 WEEKS ago!?! I think not. In that case NEVER ask me for an alibi. If I was the only person you were haging out with at said time that you could have killed said woman YOU ARE SCREWED!! I will not remember and at best the only response I could give would be "Maybe?" most likely followed by "Umm I'm not really sure." And this is if I met you some place quiet and had a full on conversation about your whole life story. So forgive me if I call BS on these bartenders.
Oh on a completely unrelated note. I found an instruction paper from when I was preggo and I had to montior my pee for a day. I'm serious. Instruction number 4 says and I quote "Refrigerate the plastic container between collections." Really? You want me to put my PEE into my FRIDGE? I think not. I found this to be disturbing on many levels and is probably why they didn't get an acurate reading. But, I mean hey I tried. I put icecubes in the bucket. That counts right?
Oh on a completely unrelated note. I found an instruction paper from when I was preggo and I had to montior my pee for a day. I'm serious. Instruction number 4 says and I quote "Refrigerate the plastic container between collections." Really? You want me to put my PEE into my FRIDGE? I think not. I found this to be disturbing on many levels and is probably why they didn't get an acurate reading. But, I mean hey I tried. I put icecubes in the bucket. That counts right?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
You're either in or you're out
WTD(What the Deuce( is wrong with me? I just hung up on a guy I've been waiting to call me back since the Friday after Thanksgiving. And I suppose that's why. Let's call him Dwane. Me and Dwane went out in the 9th grade. I was...AM in love with him.....6 years later. In 9th grade I wasn't the best of girlfriends and I had some issues with long term relationships, because the one's I was in before him always ended badly. So I did what hurt people do and I cheated on him and lost my virginity to one of my friends that I had no romantic feelings for what so ever and perhaps that's why he was the perfect cadidate. He didn't threaten me with thoughts of forever. Anyways I told Dwane and we broke up. But the best/worse part is this, he was willing to stay with me and work it out. I'm the dumb ass who told him to lose my number. But, in the 9th grade you always think you have more time for whatever. You can turn it homework the next day for reduced grade. Your friends will all be there the next day. And more time especaily for the one you love. I ran out of time. He moved without warning, and with out a way to get in to contact with him. And I didn't see him ever again. Till by chance I was home on leave and I went to the movies. He gave me his number I called and we talked. A then he was gone again. With no warning and no way to get in touch. Untill he myspaced me. And he called we talked. I felt my soul open up and run to him and the safety of his heart. And then we hung up with the promise of his call. And I was buzzed with the intoxication of his spirit sorrouding me. That call didn't come. And I once again was left with the realization that was once was mine, wasn't mine anymore. Today he called and rewarded me with his voice. And what did I do? I hung up. This is the boy turned man that sets my soul on fire. The ruler with which I measure every relationship, the missing part of my soul, and the epitomy of what I think a man ought to be. And I hung up on him. Because with me you're either in or you're out, and he hasn't made his position clear. So for now he's out. Peace.
I don't wanna clean
I feel like the woman in this picture. You take 1 friggin weekend and that one load of clothes reproduces and has 6 more loads as soon as you step out of the house. Okay well it might have been more than one weekend. Okay Okay so what if it was 3 weeks? Clothes should wash themselves. Sigh and I KNOW that I should wash them and clean my house a little, but who wants to clean when you've spent all week working in a place with no windows and one door, AND when you get home it's always dark, AND you live in Hawaii, AND it's the weekend??? I mean really can you blame me? Yeah okay I guess you can, but I am rubber and you you are glue what ever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. :P
Now I'm off to stop this childish rant and beat down this monster of clothes that I've created. And I WILL finish................right after I get back from the beach.
What about you? You ever put off house work till you just can't put it off anymore? Procrastinaters of the world unite......Tommorrow.
Friday, December 11, 2009
I'm getting divorced
Soo. I'm getting divorced. Sigh. Getting married was so easy. It just kinda went "Do you love me?" "I love you too." "Wanna get married?" BOOM BAM 6O bucks and you're married. Why can't divorce be like that? Why can't you just go "Hey I hate you do you hate me?" "Wanna get divorced?" BOOM BAM 6O bucks later you just go your separate ways? But, nooooooo if you wanna get divorced you have to sign all these papers and pay all these fees that basicly goes "Are you sure you wanna get divorced?" "Okay that will be 12 bucks." Next form. "Are you really sure you wanna get divorced?" "Okay that will be 19 bucks." ect. untill somewhere you've ended up paying 258 bucks, only you can't understand said forms so you have to hire a lawyer which is even MORE money.Sigh. Why didn't I listen to my mom? I should've waited and just stayed single a little bit longer. It sure would've saved me some heart ache, but nooo I did it for love. And what did I get for my trouble? A broken heart. Because while I was playing the role of loyal wifey you couldn't keep it in your pants. I hate you. And, I love you. And, I hate that I love you. I wish that I had never met you, and my life would've been better for it. Sigh.
Humm. So I've decided to start my own blog mostly because I have random thoughts always running through my head and I want to write them down before they're lost for ever. So cheers to me and my new blog!!! YAY!!!!
Anyways, As you may have guessed by the title I'm a Marine, a Mom and a Muslimah. Let me just put my disclamier in right now and say that I am not a PR rep. Everything I say here will my MY personal thoughts on a subject. NOT the Marine Corps, NOT on behalf of all moms, and NOT on behalf of all Muslim women. With that said I'm a Muslim convert/revert and I still have lots to learn so if you find something wrong please correct me. CHEERS!!
Anyways, As you may have guessed by the title I'm a Marine, a Mom and a Muslimah. Let me just put my disclamier in right now and say that I am not a PR rep. Everything I say here will my MY personal thoughts on a subject. NOT the Marine Corps, NOT on behalf of all moms, and NOT on behalf of all Muslim women. With that said I'm a Muslim convert/revert and I still have lots to learn so if you find something wrong please correct me. CHEERS!!
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