Tuesday, March 9, 2010

While I was away...

I discovered that my husband has had a girlfriend since I went into labour up untill I found out about it in Dec. when I was on the verge of taking him back so that my son has his father in his life and I believed that he could change and he was saying that he wanted to convert for me. I had a brake-down after finding this out. They sent him back home from Afganistan for trying to kill himself after all of his lies came to light and no one wanted anything to do with him. I've moved on to base. I've cut my hair to go natural (ie. stop putting chemicals in my hair to straighten it). I've stopped observing hijab although I refuse to wear a LOT of the clothes that I wore before I wore hijab as I find them waaaaay to immodest for my tased(funny huh?) LOL. I don't wear any tight shirts, no shirts showing any kind of cleaveage, no sleeveless shirts ( I still prefer long sleeves), and I still cover up my legs. Ummm let's see. I've fallen in love with a guy who is love with someone else. I've decied not to get married again....EVER. I let my friend whose husband beat her move in with me along with her kid. My car broke down. My bike broke , my kid and I are sick. I've done soul serching, I'm reconnecting with old friends, and InshaAllah I will be able to explain everything in full later. But, everytime I say that it doesn't happen. LOL. Peace Chan.

Oh and I lost a follower.Tears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Chan. Whatever you may go, through, just know that me(hannah) is still here. You probably don't have much of a recollection of me. Lol. But you have a permanent place in my heart. Love you always ♥